Elected NCT President – the job I always wanted

Never let go of your dreams.

On Saturday 16 November 2019 I was elected as NCT President. It’s a role I’ve been thinking about and dreaming about for many years.

It finally came true. It wasn’t a straight line from “Yes I want this role” to “Yes I have this role“. There have been many twists and turns. I first ran in 2015 and was unsuccessful that year.

However I truly believed I could be a good President. And I absolutely believe in this charity and what we do.

My husband has joked for years that I’m NCT to my bones.

Which goes to prove that when you really want something, keep going.

Stay strong.

Be determined.

Brush yourself down and pick yourself up when things don’t go the way you want the first, second or third time ….

Take on board the learnings then try, try, and try again.

The LinkedIn Kickstart

Sign up to join the Priority waitlist <<HERE>>.

The LinkedIn Kickstart is for you if you want to

  • create a powerful LinkedIn profile that gets you noticed
  • make a bigger impact at work and take your career to the next level
  • understand what employers or potential clients expect to see on your profile
  • develop your expert authority to showcase your experience and achievements
  • build strong relationships and network without being pushy
  • enhance your personal and professional brand

You’ll get 12 modules – each with a short video and a worksheet with a bite-sized task (plus a ‘when you’ve got more time‘ extension task too).

You’ll get invited to a private Facebook group where you can share your thoughts, ask questions, get feedback and be inspired.

In the meantime I’ll add you to The Confidence Guide which is published weekly, jam-packed with tips and tricks for ambitious women who want clarity and confidence. And we’ll talk again when we get started.

Click <<HERE>> if you want to get noticed on LinkedIn today!

If you know already that you want more personalised help than I can offer in a group programme, or you want to get started right away, a one-to-one personalised LinkedIn Profile review could be what you’re looking for.

Ready to get started?  Join the priority list today so you don’t miss a thing when the next live round starts.

I can’t wait to share my knowledge and insights with you and hopefully you’ll learn to love LinkedIn as much as I do.

Take a proper break – it’s good for your career

Loved the final article that appeared in City AM on Friday 10 February.

Taking a proper break is essential – for your health and for your business performance.

It’s not about how long and how often you are in the office. It’s about the quality of the work that you do when you are there.

You might also be interested in the video blog that I recorded with Dr Christian Jessen and Geoff Rolls on the same topic of taking a break.

Watch it HERE.